07 May 1998

Morphing CD Player, 22 Dogs, 6 Girls, & A Pig


I was at somebody's house. The rooms in this house were large and open-like there were no walls separating them. I noticed how many dogs were running around, and i began to go from room to room counting dogs. I counted up to 22. There was also a big pig walking around. Obviously a pet,
but very odd. A bunch of girls living there-maybe 5 or 6...

In the main room, there was this odd sort of contraption which at first was just a CD player, and while I was doing something next to it, I bumped some kind of "On" switch. The c
ontraption began to morph into several other shapes, becoming larger. I was trying to stay out of the way of it. The effect was like computer generated graphics from a movie...Then it began to play a CD, and then became a coffee table. An ashtray rose up out of it, and some drink coasters.

Then from underneath, it released these little disc-shaped vacuums that went about the floor sucking up dropped ashes, debris and dirt. (I swear to God this was before that commercial about the Roomba FloorVac)
The discs had tiny radio antennas on top in the middle. They looked like little fat, black frisbees. This is when i understood why this house could have 22 dogs and 6 girls and a big pig.


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