23 November 2007

A is for Annoying

Not long ago, it came to my attention that i have some rather irritating trends in my work. Namely, the names. Titles, i mean. My first "slew" of books all begin with "A." Achilles Forjan, Armchair Detective, As You Were, Another Justice. . .I'm not sure if it's some deep-seated Alphabetical Addiction, or merely a subconscious belief that my writing is still at the beginning. . .perhaps i am working my way through the alphabet, like some popular mystery writers (A is for Annoying).

Now that would be sufficient to vex me, but i also noticed the the covers i designed for Achilles Forjan and Armchair Detective, both have vehicles on them. And As You Were has the image of a two lane highway....My best friend says she thinks it is my subconscious need to "go somewhere." Looks like i need a vehicle for a trip away from A's. In fairness, i do have other books that don't begin with "A." Operation: Utopia, The Curse of Madagascar, It's About Time, Brainmatter, Yin & Yang....but the A-list is the one that's closest to print or in print right now, so I'm ultra-aware of it. I considered changing the titles to some, but just didn't feel right about it. So I'm just going to let that go, and be mindful henceforth. A is now for AWARENESS.


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