08 March 2009

Diction Deja Vu

Even though I tend to have a Swiss cheese memory, there are times when at least I recreate something almost verbatim, without even realizing I have done it before. (Which comes in handy if I do something stupid and delete some writing accidentally).

For example, in doing an edit on As You Were, I came to this one sentence:

She breathed cautiously at first,

--and felt it needed a little more zap, so I added:

...like some wayward astronaut stepping from the ship on some unfamiliar planet.

...and then i read the next sentence that was already there...and saw:

Then she tried to relax into it, as if some off-course astronaut taking first steps off the ship onto an unknown planet.

....call it "Diction DeJa-Vu"--Kinda scary when I do that. But at least I'm consistent.


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