10 March 2011

Another Review of As You Were

Another review of As You Were 

Review by: Noni Nelson on Mar. 09, 2011 : star star star star
"Four years ago, as a newly-out,mature lesbian and an avid reader I was staggered by the dearth of quality gay fiction for women. So disappointed in fact that I resorted to writing my own. If I had discovered Kelli Jae Baeli back then I may not have bothered! I was hooked from the first few pages of As You Were. Her characters are natural, their lives are believable and I devoured this book eagerly late into the night. And put it down with a genuine reluctance to part company with it's two main protagonists, Tru & Brittany."


09 March 2011

New Review of ISO

Another review on my book "ISO (In Search Of): Dating, Relationships & Sex for the Discerning Lesbian"...
"Whether you are a 'baby dyke', a newly out older woman or someone who has just been away from the 'dating scene' for a time, this book is an essential tool in your belt. Not only does Ms. Baeli provide thought provoking answers to all those obvious questions we all have, but you might find some information here about scenarios you had never even considered. Read it cover to cover or jump to the section you're most interested in, either way you will come away with plenty to think about. And a few chuckles along the way!"
~Noni Nelson


01 March 2011

New Review of As You Were

New Review of my book, As You Were, on Smashwords.
Review by: Kate Genet on Feb. 28, 2011 : 5 Stars

"It is obvious right from the beginning of this book that Kelli Jae Baeli knows how to craft a great story. Her main character is the sort of woman you’d love to meet in real life, and I warmed to her immediately. She’s that well-rounded type of character that makes reading a real pleasure. This is a story about a relationship, but it’s set against a backdrop of events and places that serve to introduce and develop that relationship in a way that seems entirely natural and interesting. I don’t want to give any of the details away, but the storyline is great – suspenseful and nothing left dangling; it’s all pulled together extraordinarily well. By the time I reached the end of the book I was well-satisfied and smiling."

It's always so uplifting to learn that readers are enjoying my work.
