15 October 2010

Future's So Bright

Haven't been blogging much. For good reasons, too.

REASON 1: I've been trying to stay on schedule with my writing, and finishing up that monstrous magnum opus of mine: Supernatural Hypocrisy: The Cognitive Dissonance of a God Cosmology. The thing began as a single volume, but over the two years I have been working on it, I realized there was much more to it than that. Thus, there are now 6 volumes, which i hope will all be available by the end of the year. I'm a little behind on that, for
REASON 2: i finally met my perfect partner and did that thing i swore I'd never do--the thing I advised everyone else against: moving in right away. But at my age, i figure I know a good thing when i see it, and I didn't want to let it go. I tested her mercilessly. Put her through the paces...and she passed every test. We met March 30th, and have been inseparable ever since. We are now looking at Commitment Ceremony rings.

Add to that the stress of moving, some situational things beyond our control, which also engendered a huge amount of stress, and I've been preoccupied. But our relationship remains strong, and I have no complaints in that department. Also been taking notes on several other books, both fiction and nonfiction, started a publishing house, and have been renovating our house, which was in pretty bad shape. But I feel purposeful. And I'm in love. And the future's so bright, i gotta wear shades.


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