27 November 2010

Supernatural Completion

I finally ordered the proofs for my 6 volume book, Supernatural Hypocrisy: The Cognitive Dissonance of a God Cosmology. It will be available for the Holiday Shopping season.
Volume 1: Cosmology of God & Jesus
Volume 2: Cosmology of Christianity
Volume 3: Cosmology of the Bible
Volume 4: Cosmology of the Dark Side
Volume 5: Cosmology of Science
Volume 6: Cosmology of Atheism

Three years in the making, this is not a project I would like to do very often. It was mentally, emotionally and physically draining. The amount of research, double-checking, rewriting, formatting and other such mundane details were often mind-numbing. Then there was the constant decision-making about what information goes where--the subject of each volume often overlaps the subject of another, and I was constantly trying to keep track of where it all should go. It was, literally, like working on six books at a time. I crashed my Firefox browser and Word frequently.

But I believe this work is unique, in that it is in 6 volumes; I didn't have to hyperfocus on one area of the subject matter, and condense it down so much. I could cover the territory i wanted to cover--share my journey--without leaving out any crucial bits that ultimately led me to my personal cosmology. I addressed each one I felt was primary in the search for understanding. So the book is fairly comprehensive in that way, though i learned quickly that there could have been another 6 volumes.

Just a couple stats:
  • In all 6 volumes combined, there are 1,322 pages and I used 477 sources.
  • I referenced Wikipedia only once, because it was the only place to get a biographical tidbit on a certain person. Otherwise, i used only reputable sources--science, news magazines, journals, newspapers, books-- including many translations of the Bible, and translations of the Septuagint, Pseudepigrapha and other apocryphal texts.
I drew from a wide array of source-types and areas of study. The information and examination I used considered many different disciplines. Some of those include:
  • anthropobiology --  study of human biology
  • anthropology -- study of human cultures
  • archaeology -- study of human material remains
  • astronomy -- study of celestial bodies
  • bioecology -- study of interaction of life in the environment
  • biology --  study of life
  • bionomics  -- study of organisms interacting in their environments
  • Egyptology -- study of ancient Egypt
  • epistemology -- study of grounds of knowledge
  • genesiology  -- study of reproduction and heredity
  • genetics -- branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms
  • geochronology -- study of measuring geological time
  • geogeny --  science of the formation of the earth's crust
  • geogony -- study of formation of the earth
  • geography -- study of surface of the earth and its inhabitants
  • geology -- study of earth's crust
  • geomorphogeny -- study of the origins of land forms
  • glossology  --  study of language; study of the tongue
  • historiology --  study of history
  • ichnology  -- science of fossilized footprints
  • iconography -- study of drawing symbols
  • iconology -- study of icons; symbols
  • ideogeny --  study of origins of ideas
  • ideology -- science of ideas; system of ideas used to justify behavior
  • idiomology -- study of idiom, jargon or dialect
  • lexicology --  study of words and their meanings
  • liturgiology  -- study of liturgical forms and church rituals
  • metaphysics --  study of principles of nature and thought
  • microbiology -- study of microscopic organisms
  • micropalaeontology --  study of microscopic fossils
  • mythology --  study of myths; fables; tales
  • neuropsychology -- study of relation between brain and behavior
  • noology -- science of the intellect
  • palaeoanthropology -- study of early humans
  • palaeobiology -- study of fossil plants and animals
  • palaeontology -- study of fossils
  • patrology -- study of early Christianity
  • philology -- study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
  • philosophy -- science of knowledge or wisdom
  • physics --  study of matter and its motion through spacetime
  • pisteology -- science or study of faith
  • psychology --  study of mind
  • psychopathology -- study of mental illness
  • satanology --  study of the devil
  • sedimentology  -- study of sediment
  • semantics -- study of meaning
  • sociobiology -- study of biological basis of human behaviour
  • sociology -- study of society
  • stratigraphy -- study of geological layers or strata
  • theology --  study of religion; religious doctrine
  • thermodynamics -- study of relation of heat to motion
  • zooarchaeology --  study of animal remains of archaeological sites
  • zoogeography -- study of geographic distribution of animals
  • zoogeology  -- study of fossil animal remains
  • zoology -- study of animals
If understanding belief, religion, God, and truth creates a list like that, then over-simplification of science by Believers,  is a little  infuriating.

This has been a taxing journey for me, but one which had to be taken. I have grown so much in my knowledge and understanding, and I have absolutely no doubt where i stand on the issue of religion. For myself, or for the world. My hope is that readers will find this work compelling, entertaining, informative and helpful in their own discernment of what they do and do not believe.


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